Manual Therapy
What Is Manual Therapy?
Manual therapy refers to when a physical therapist uses their hands to provide treatment. This is one of the many modalities that the physical and occupational therapists at Chehalem Physical Therapy use. Physical therapists who are trained in manual therapy techniques can use their hands to isolate the specific tissue or joint that is causing the patient’s symptoms. The therapist’s hands provide information that no other assessment tool can replicate.
Our therapists have taken advanced manual therapy courses from different institutions including Mulligan Manual Therapy Concept, Graston Technique, The Barral Institute, and Institute of Physical Art. Manual therapy can be used to diagnose and treat soft tissue and joints by reducing pain, increasing range of motion, decreasing myofascial restrictions, decreasing swelling or inflammation, assisting the body in muscle or soft tissue repair, extensibility and/or stability, and facilitating movement to improve function.
Soft Tissue Techniques:
Manual lymph drainage
Soft tissue mobilization
Functional mobilization
Scar mobilization
Myofascial release
Visceral mobilization
Strain counterstrain
Craniosacral therapy
Active Release Technique (ART)
Instrument assisted soft tissue mobilization
Joint Techniques:
Joint mobilization
Joint manipulation/thrust
Muscle energy techniques
Mulligan techniques